Monday, November 3, 2008

Trent Reznor Get Out the Vote Campaign

I bought a Nine Inch Nails CD off of the band's website some time ago, and am now fortunate enough to be on their mailing list and get a sporadic email from Trent Reznor himself. Usually it's an advertisement for a concert or some such. This email was a bit different...

Next Tuesday we will elect the next President of the United States. The result will have great consequences for the nation.

This election offers a choice is between two men with dramatically different visions of the future. We have strong feelings about this choice. But we feel even more strongly that all Americans, regardless of political preference, have a stake in the outcome and should vote in this critical election.

This is likely to be a close election. Your vote matters. Please use it and make a difference.

Trent Reznor

I find it ironic that someone known for his dark, cynical lyrics can be so confident that one vote in 130 million matters. And more so, that it will actually make a difference. I can see him writing lyrics now...

I, made a difference today
punching out a chad
Focus on the ballot
hangers and dimples don't count

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